
Noun: Momgerie
Pronounced: mahm-zhuh-rey
Rhythms with and is similar to lingerie. The unsexy pajamas a woman starts wearing after she has had a child or two and she is more concerned with comfort than being attractive to her mate. Often consists of stretch waist sweat pants and an over-sized shirt. Is often made of flannel with no form fitting curves to be found.

 Similar to Mom Jeans but includes the whole outfit. Momfits are comfortable but not flattering. A clothing combination commonly worn by moms which include but are not limited to the following:
• White Keds tennis shoes (essential to a Momfit)
• Over sized zip up hooded sweatshirt preferably with a lame design on the back with a solid colored v-neck shirt under it
• Straight leg blue jeans with a 9 inch zipper and/ or jeans that claim to make you look slimmer
• No makeup
• Sporting a large ass, muffin top or FUPA
