your nonesense is actually sense. or whatever.


          "Here’s a little-known fact: for both boys and girls, the relationship with the opposite-sex parent has the profoundest of bearings on whether or not we grow up to be happy, serene, healthy, fulfilled individuals.
The way in which her father interacted with her as she was growing up is a major factor in how a woman’s nervous system is wired, which in turn impacts her physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, her self-image, her view of the world, and the ease – or otherwise – with which she loves and trusts as a woman.
The first man every female bonds with is her father, and that imprints on her so strongly that any later relationships with men – including romantic ones – are filtered through that experience.
Daughters need to know that the first man in their life loved them unconditionally, as all her relationships with men will be patterned after that first love.
Most women subconsciously gravitate towards men who accord her the same level – or lack – of value and empathy our fathers did. So if your father neglected to let you know how special and valuable you are, you may attract similar relationships with men in your adult life, unaware that you deserve better."

actions. explained.
checkmate. king me. goal.

but now what?
you're weird. you have your little quirks. 
but now what? once you find out a piece of "the source", do you start from scratch?

in all honesty-starting over would probably take LESS time than your tried and failed method of "fixing the broken ones".

 Is there a name for this way of decision making?
When someone, --who is seemingly of sound mind and body, who is capable of good decisions, who knows better, who can actually take a step back from their own situation and see all the unstable craziness that is going on, and the crazy eyes like it's the last schlotzky's sandwich on earth ever to be made?
 Is there a scientific name for this condition?
Likestheredflagsitis? Pushesonlydecentonesaway-PV? thehedoesntlovemeboohoos?

I'm tired. You're bored.
Insightful research over.
