I. Forgive. You.** TryNoToBeJealousOfTheTextMessagesIGetAt 2:45am.

I forgive you. For everything.

I forgive you for the all the pain you inflicted and all the tears you caused.
I forgive you for the lies you fed me and the stories you created.
I forgive you for using me, for abusing me, for never being faithful.
I forgive you for never being there when I needed you most.
I forgive you for hiding your true self.
I forgive you for talking shit about everyone and everything I hold dear to my heart.
I forgive you for not knowing what love is.
I forgive you for telling me I wasn't good at anything. 
I forgive you for telling me you hate me. 
I forgive you for keeping me a secret from your family, and then claiming you didn't. 
I forgive you for the respect you never gave me. 
I forgive you for shredding the confidence I once had.
I forgive you for making me feel beneath you. 
I forgive you for telling me I was nothing. 
I forgive you for telling me Loma killed himself to get away from me.
I forgive you for telling me you tried to do the same. 
I forgive you for blaming me for everything wrong in your life. 
I forgive you for never giving me any compliments in the 8 years I knew you.
I forgive you for calling me a whore.
I forgive you for not being there when I lost the baby. 
I forgive you for letting this little girl fall in love with you when you knew you'd never stay.
I forgive you for ruining my first Christmas with the kid. 
I forgive you for ruining her FIRST birthday even though you were 1000 miles way.  

I forgive you Ted. I forgive you for every indecent thing you've ever said or done to me. 
I forgive your misguided hate. 

I forgive you.
I hope to forget you.
I really hope I never have to see you again.

Now-I need to learn to forgive myself for allowing you in my life.

   ** I also hope that fire ants eat you from the inside out. You fucking douche.
