I don't necessarily have 'enemies' per say, but there are those people that I wish karma would come back and kick them in the ass. Wait-can I say ass?
These people-the ones who have hurt me, put me down, hurt my feelings, left me behind-THESE are the people I pray for.
I pray that the woman gains confidence in herself so that she no longer needs to put me down.
I pray for the grumpy old man in the office to feel better so he won't be so rude to everyone.
I pray for the friends I don't speak to anymore in hopes that happiness finds their families.
I pray for the lost loves- may their new lives be what they wanted, may their children be happy, may they smile.
I pray for myself. To find the strength and understanding to make it through life's dips and turns. To not be bitter or self-loathsome, but happy and hopeful.
Life goes on.
Theirs does. Yours does. And so does mine.
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