I DO know good people.

I know forgiving, understanding, supportive, nonjudgmental, loving people.
No-I am not surprised, but I am.....overcome with this fuzzy feeling. This giggly, blush inducing, uncomfortable yet so so comforting feeling.
Then I realize it's love.
I feel loved.

You ma'am, are one of the most lovingly supportive people I have ever met.
I more than appreciate your love, I am very very grateful for your friendship.

You've stayed with me through good times, through BAD times, and through some really really confusing times. 

You ate oily chips with me. 
You jumped in front of a moving bush for me. 
You let me listen to "Get Low" repeatedly and as loudly as I could. 
You've picked me up off the ground. Literally.  
You've interpreted my words for others. 
You've explained my actions to those I piss off. "Yes-I know she is all over your husband, but she doesn't mean it. She's just extra touchy."
You eventually break down and take me to Taco Bell. Every time. 
And you said "if your happy, I'm happy" through clenched teeth....
All because you love me. 
You loooooooove me. 

Don't deny your feelings. 

"Lets go Batman"

Nothing will ever convince me that you didn't say that. 


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