My name is Fred. Also-I'm black.

You lie.
He lies.
She lied.
We all lie.
At some point, everyone in your life will lie to you.
Big lies. Little lies. Laughable lies. Relationship ending lies.

"I like your new haircut, I've totally quit drinking, We so broke up and I hate him, Yes honey-that dress makes you look thin, You're way hotter than his ex, I would never cheat, I'm sick and can't make it in today, I have to let you go-my mom's calling, Wish I could stay but the baby is getting tired, I cant go out cause the baby's sick, Of course I have pants on mother."

Some lies you can get over quickly, and others take time.
Some are seriously unnecessary. But aren't they all?

We all have a friend that's full of shit. If you can't think of them-it's you.
Myself? Well- I am surrounded by people who are full of shit, but I too, am also full of shit.

But when is enough enough?
What is the cut-off point? The relationship ending doozie?

My "what the fuck" face isn't attractive, so I'm gonna have to cut you off. Betch.
