I am not worried about what kind of person you will turn out to be.
All I can do is Love, Pray, and Teach.
I will support you in anything you do.
I am not worried about YOU making ME proud-it is the other way around.
I want to be a mother that you respect, that you look up to, that you confide in.
I want you to be proud to call ME your mother.
I want to be a good, decent, loving person in your eyes.
Since the day I found out you existed, I have done everything in my power to start protecting you.
No alcohol. No medication. And-even hiding from your father.
None of my bad habits were or ever will be more important that your well being.
This baby is so blessed to have you as it's Mother. You will be the most amazing Mommy. This baby was meant for you and you were meant for it.