Unfaithfully Healthy

You know that saying: "A man is only as faithful as his options"?

I'm only as hungry as my options. 

I could go all day without eating. I've actually gone days without eating. I've done the small, healthy meal determination. I've religiously worked out. I've brought sexy back. Several times.

But sonofabitch--put that donut in front of me right now, and I WILL eat that damn thing. AND go looking for another one. I've noticed myself shoveling food in my mouth like someone is going to steal it away from me. So if you've gone out to eat with me anytime recently-I truly apologize. That can't be pretty to sit across from. 

Weight loss has been heavy on my mind lately. My full naked body does not scare me, but when my eyes target a certain area--all self pity lets loose. This pregnancy has done a number on my body. Actually, I don't think I can really consider this my body at the moment. BABY HAS TAKEN OVER. But when baby is done with this body, it will be mine again and she will leave me with the mess to clean up. Damn kids. 

Walks will be the first thing on my agenda. And I have a friend who I've decided to make my weight-loss partner.  She doesn't know yet though. I'm just going to show up with my manly workout clothes and make her walk around the neighborhood with me. Make her man babysit. (that'd be the day!!) HA!!!

But...after I feel sorry for myself (lasts about as long as it takes the spaghetti to cook)-I take deep breaths and realize I am not the only woman who is not on good terms with her body. I am not the only woman staring at her thighs wondering "where in the fuck did all this meat come from"?!?!
 I CAN get my body back. I WILL get my body back.
So until I can catch my breath to go take that walk, I will allow myself to succumb to the cravings. I will eat two plates of pasta. I will eat that pan of brownies. I will be unfaithful to the healthy voice in my head.
And if you dare try to take food off my plate-I'll stab a bitch. But not with my fork--that'll already be in my mouth.

Ohh...anyone up for Italian???


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