Allow Myself to Introduce.....Myself. Wait..What?

The attitude you have as a parent is what your kids will learn from more than what you tell them.

They don't remember what you try and teach them.
They remember what you are.

So...really, do you like yourself enough,  to want a duplicate?
Are you proud of the way you treat people?
Are you proud of the way you live?
What about your habits, are there any you'd like them to never pick up?

And what if they DO pick up your bad habits, is it too late to reverse the "damage?"

I got to thinking about it the other day, (I guess so I could add on to the already long list of Mom Guilt's),  how DO we teach our kids to be awesome, respectful little people that grow into mature, well-mannered adults? 
Booze was the only logical answer that came to mind. 
Cause if at first you don't succeed, sit down and drink that glass of wine while the damn kid draws on your walls with what you hope is mud.
The kid watches me. Stares at me. Sometimes throws things at my face, but that's not part of this post. 
Do I really want her picking up my weird ass eating habits?  My temper? My OCD? My awkward emotional boundaries? My love of crappy guys? 
 If she's already picked up some of my bad traits, is it too late to unlearn them? 

-She freezes when she's hugged. That's an easy fix though. Just drop her off with some Bach kids for a weekend. They'll hug that awkwardness right out of her. 
-She...sorta, kinda, maybe.....has a temper. A tiny one. Or a medium one. Ok ok, she's got a pretty damn good temper. I'm pretty sure she'll be setting booby-traps all over the house when she's older simply because I wouldn't let her throw food at my face.
-She loves her some food. Most food. At any time of day. Anywhere in the house. 
Now-I don't believe that every meal needs to be eaten at the table with napkins in lap and messes to a minimum, but I also don't want her to think that all families eat outside in there red wagons while wearing bathing suits and boots. 
-She wipes her table/tray off before she eats. Which I'd like to say, I like that she is a cleaner. I just don't want it to become a weird thing for her. If she washes her hands a bunch during the day-cool.
If she shaves every bit of hair off her body to keep the germs away-weird. It's a very fine line people.

 It's scary to know you are teaching someone, you are molding someone who walks this earth. YOU are responsible for her actions (unless they're embarrassing, then the kids on her own.)

 It just makes you think. 
What do I like about myself enough to pass on to another person?  

Some requests I have so far:
Could someone else to teach her what a hug is, show her what glitter is, and introduce her to a real gentleman? And please, for the love of freaking pineapples, could someone PLEASE teach her how to use tweezers? 
I'm going on 15+ years of trying to shape the same eyebrows and I still have to crop pictures so people can't see just how different in size they really are. 

Lorraine out
